Document Version 1.31 | July 17th 2018 | AmariBot#5150 | Creator Litochee#5162 | Last edited by Fire0x#7502

Amaribot Guide



  1. What module is the bot written in? AmariBot is coded in Discord.js

  2. Will AmariBot function as anything other than a points system? Amaribot focuses on being a one trick pony. We try to focus all of our drive into doing one thing really well.

  3. Need help? We are always here to help! No matter what the question is, if we can help, we will. Feel free to join the AmariBot Discord Server!

  4. Have a suggestion? We would love to hear it! Come visit us on our Discord Server or contact us on our website!

  5. How do I get the bot to join my Discord Server?

    1. First: Invite the bot to your server: Add Bot To Server

    2. Second: Create a role called AmariMod (case sensitive) and give it to yourself!

  6. How does the XP work? 1 xp for every 4 seconds of messages per user.

  7. Will the givelevel and modifyexp reset for Weekly?

    1. Givelevel - Yes, it will reset for weekly

    2. modifyexp - No, since the command doesn't affect the Weekly Leaderboard.

Recently Added

Added Weekly
Added Winners
added pcolor (donor only)
added donate
added joinrole (AmariMod)
Added modifyexp (donor only)

Commands List

PREFIX - Leaderboard

View the leaderboards for your current server and see who is on top!
Top 10

PREFIX - Invite

When you type :?invite a prompt will appear with the invite link to get AmariBot on your server!


Rank allows you to see what your current rank is in the leaderboards. You can also see other peoples rank with:?rank @user


The help command allows you to see all commands. Specific information about a command can be found by typing:?help rank or :?help for a list of current bot commands.

PREFIX - Givelevel

Set a user to a certain level :?givelevel @user [level] :?givelevel @user 5 will set the user at level 5.
If the level has a role set for it, they will receive it.
Requires: AmariMod

PREFIX - Rlevel

Add/Remove roles that users gain at certain levels. Be sure to create a role named: AmariMod because only those assigned to this role can add roles.
To add a role use: :?rlevel add level RoleNameTo remove a role use: :?rlevel remove RoleName RoleName is case sensitive.
Requires: AmariMod


If you find a bug, report it using the :?bug <insert issue here> command. Attach an image using or other similar image linking sites, if necessary.

PREFIX - Blacklist

Stop users in certain roles from getting points with this command. Available options include: Add/Remove/Show blacklist roles. If a user has a certain role that is added to the blacklist, then they will not get experience points. Blacklist Show allows users to show roles that are added to blacklist.
Example: :?blacklist add DeveloperPeople with the Developer Role will NOT get points Requires: AmariMod

PREFIX - Prefix

Change the prefix used by AmariBot by using :?prefix xxxx(max 4 characters/symbols) or type :?prefix to see your current prefix.
Requires: AmariMod to change prefix

PREFIX - Reset

To reset a user rank.
Type :?reset @user to reset the users points.
Requires: AmariMod

PREFIX - Refresh All/Points

To refresh all user/roles/settings in the guild, type: :?refresh all

Similarly, to refresh points ONLY in the guild, type: :?refresh points

These are non-reversible actions and will remove all settings/points gathered thus far.
Requires: AmariMod

PREFIX - Settings

Type :?settings to the roles that are given out when you reach a certain level.

PREFIX - CoLeave

Set to clear user points when they leave default is on. To set type :?coleave on/off
Default is on PREFIX - CoLeave Requires: AmariMod

PREFIX - pcolor

Donators' can change the color of their :?rank box. The colors you can use are: Pink, Yellow, Blue, Purple, Green, Orange (more will be added). To use this command do :pcolor (color)

eg:?pcolor blue This will set the color to blue.
Requires: Donor only

PREFIX - pcolor

Support Amaribot and donate to keeping it hosted! You will receive perks such as: Custom :?rank page custom Level up messages, and more!

PREFIX - Joinrole

use this command to set a role to give to a user when they first join your server!

:?joinrole -will remove the role that is given on join.
:?joinrole set RoleName - this will set the role users get on join
Requires: AmariMod

PREFIX - modifyexp

Use this command to modify user exp (add/remove)

:?modifyexp add 200 @user -will give a user 200xp
:?modifyexp remove 200 @user -Will remove 200xp from a user

Requires: Donor only, AmariMod

PREFIX - Weekly

Use this command to weekly points ON/OFF

:?weekly on- Will turn on Weekly
:?weekly off- Will turn off Weekly
Requires: AmariMod

PREFIX - Weekly

Use this command to weekly points ON/OFF

:?weekly on- Will turn on Weekly
:?weekly off- Will turn off Weekly
Requires: AmariMod

PREFIX - Winner

Use this command to choose the top 3 winners for weekly leaderboards (can be run time as long as 3 users have points.) Make sure that the Weekly command is set to On.
Requires: AmariMod

results matching ""

    No results matching ""